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Expected Questions for CBSE UGC NET 5 November 2017

Expected Questions for CBSE UGC NET 5 November 2017
Best Coaching for CBSE UGC NET 8 July 2018 Complete Course for CBSE UGC NET Paper 1
Teaching Aptitude:

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1. Which of the following tools of collecting psychological information about pupils is the most objective?
(A) Rating scale
(B) Interview
(C) Standardized tests
(D) Projective devices

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Answer C
A standardized test is any form of test that (1) requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from common bank of questions, in the same way, and that (2) is scored in a “standard” or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of individual

2. According to Freud, Super Ego is properly developed during
(A) Latency period
(B) Anal period
(C) Phallic period
(D) None of these

Answer: C

The id (or it)
The id is the primitive and instinctive component of personality. It consists of all the inherited (i.e. biological) components of personality present at birth, including the sex (life) instinct – Eros (which contains the libido), and the aggressive (death) instinct - Thanatos.

The id is the impulsive (and unconscious) part of our psyche which responds directly and immediately to the instincts.

The personality of the newborn child is all id and only later does it develop an ego and super-ego.

The Ego (or I)
The ego is 'that part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world.'

(Freud [1923], 1961, p. 25)

The ego develops in order to mediate between the unrealistic id and the external real world. It is the decision making component of personality. Ideally the ego works by reason, whereas the id is chaotic and totally unreasonable.

The Superego (or above I)

The superego incorporates the values and morals of society which are learned from one's parents and others. It develops around the age of 3 – 5 during the phallic stage of psychosexual development.

The focal objects for the developing child's energy serves to define five main stages of psychological development:

oral (0-18 months)

anal (18 months - 3 1/2 years)

phallic (3 1/2 years - 6 years)

latency (6 years - puberty)

genital (puberty - adulthood)

3. Individual psychology of personality was given by
(A) A. Adler
(B) Jung
(C) Eysenck
(D) None of these

Answer A
Individual psychology, body of theories of the Austrian psychiatrist Alfred Adler, who held that the main motives of human thought and behaviour are individual man's striving for superiority and power, partly in compensation for his feeling of inferiority.

4. Which of the following theories is most quantitatively measurable?
(A) Pavlov’s
(B) Skinner’s
(C) Hull’s
(D) None of these

Answer C
Pavlov said the dogs were demonstrating classical conditioning. He summed it up like this: there's a neutral stimulus (the bell), which by itself will not produce a response, like salivation. There's also a non-neutral or unconditioned stimulus (the food), which will produce an unconditioned response (salivation).

B. F. Skinner was one of the most influential of American psychologists. A behaviorist, he developed the theory of operant conditioning -- the idea that behavior is determined by its consequences, be they reinforcements or punishments, which make it more or less likely that the behavior will occur again.

In learning theory, drive reduction theory is a type of motivational theory. Drive Reduction Theory, developed by Clark Hull in 1943, was the first theory for motivation.According to such theorists as Clark Hull and Kenneth Spence, drive reduction is a major cause of learning and behavior. Primary drives are innate drives (e.g. thirst, hunger, and sex), whereas secondary drives are learned by conditioning (e.g. money). 
Drive is essential in order for responses to occur (i.e., the student must want to learn). Stimuli and responses must be detected by the organism in order for conditioning to occur ( i.e., the student must be attentive). Response must be made in order for conditioning to occur (i.e., the student must be active). Conditioning only occurs if the reinforcement satisfied a need (i.e., the learning must satisfy the learner's wants).

Clark Hull aimed to develop a learning theory that could be deduced mathematically. He created the "Mathematico Deductive Theory of Behavior:" sER = (V x D x K x J x sHr) – (sIr + Ir) +/- sOr (Thomson, 1968).

5. “Rising knowledge to wisdom is real education” was said by
(A) Rigveda
(B) Chhandogya Upanishad
(C) Samaveda
(D) Bhagvadh Geeta

Answer B

6. Who said that the school be made as miniature society?
(A) Skinner
(B) Thorndike
(C) Herbert
(D) Dewey

Answer D
Dewey emphasizes that education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself. The child lives in the present. As the child lives in the present, the educative process will be naturally based on the present need and interests of the child. The school is a miniature society facing problems similar to those faced in life. The basic purpose of the school is to train pupils in co-operative living. Since the pupils are to live in a democratic society they should help to organize one and live in it.

7. ‘Socialization’ is a process by which the individual is adapted to his
(A) Classroom environment
(B) Social environment
(C) Political environment
(D) Cultural environment

Answer B

8. In List – I the name of the philosopher and philosophy is given and in List – II statements regarding the philosophy is given. Match the List – I with List – II in correct order:
List – I                                    List – II
a. Tagore                      i. Harmonious development of personality
b. Vivekananda            ii. The doctrine of karma
c. Mahatma Gandhi     iii. Child is more, important than all kinds of books
d. Buddhism                iv. Yoga as a method of education
                                      v. The doctrine of dharma
       a b c d
(A) v i ii iv
(B) iii iv i ii
(C) iii iv ii v
(D) iv ii i iii

Answer B
Vivekananda considers realization as the chief aim of life. He advocated Yoga as the most ideal method of realization. Yogas are four in number. 1. Karma Yoga, 2. Bhakti Yoga, 3. Raja Yoga and 4. Jnana Yoga. The scope of all these Yogas is one and the same – removal of ignorance and enabling the soul to restore its original nature.

Karma (Sanskrit, also karman, Pāli: kamma) is a Sanskrit term that literally means "action" or "doing". In the Buddhist tradition, karma refers to action driven by intention (cetanā) which leads to future consequences.

9. Which of the following agency regulates education?
(A) Church
(B) State
(C) School
(D) Library

Answer B

10. Who said that true teacher is he who can immediately come down to the level of the students and transfer his soul to the students’ soul”?
(A) Plato
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Tagore
(D) Vivekananda

Answer D

Research Aptitude:
1. Motivation Research is a type of …………… research
(a) Quantitative

(b) Qualitative
(c) Pure
(d) applied

Answer B

2. Facts or information’s are analyzed and critical evaluation is made in
(a) Survey
(b) Action research
(c) Analytical research
(d) Pilot study

Answer C

3. Basing conclusions without any bias and value judgment is 
(a) Objectivity
(b) Specificity
(c) Values
(d) Facts

Answer A

4. “Empirically verifiable observation” is
(a) Theory
(b) Value
(c) Fact
(d) Statement

Answer C Fact is “empirically verifiable observation” --- is defined by Good and Hatt 1981

5 The feasibility of a research study should be considered in the light of

(A) Potential ethical concerns
(B) Skills required for the researcher
(C) Cost and time required to conduct the research
(D) All of above

Answer D

The Government of India conducts Census after every 10 years. The method of research used in this process is

(A) Case Study
(B) Developmental
(C) Survey
(D) Experimental

Answer C

7. Two variables X and Y are significantly correlated. This means that

(A) X causes variation in Y.
(B) Y causes variation in X.
(C) X and Y vary together.
(D) No such conclusion may be drawn

Answer C

 What is the important objective of economic planning?

(A) Planned development
(B) Eradication of poverty
(C) Total employment
(D) More per capita income

Answer A

9 The size of sample for a study mostly depends on

(A) Gravity of the population
(B) Geographical area of the study
(C) Homogeneity and heterogeneity of the population
(D) Type of population

Answer C

10 Which of the following is the incorrect pair?

(A) Rank correlation                      –     Spearman
(B) Product moment correlation    –     Pearson
(C) Split-half correlation                –     Kuder Richardson
(D) Contingency correlation          –     Cramer

Answer D Cramer's V Coefficient (V)
Useful for comparing multiple X2 test statistics and is generalizable across contingency tables of varying sizes. It is not affected by sample size and therefore is very useful in situations where you suspect a statistically significant chi-square was the result of large sample size instead of any substantive relationship between the variables. It is interpreted as a measure of the relative (strength) of an association between two variables. The coefficient ranges from 0 to 1 (perfect association). In practice, you may find that a Cramer's V of .10 provides a good minimum threshold for suggesting there is a substantive relationship between two variables

11 The coefficient of correlation lies from

(A) +1 to –1
(B) 0 to –1
(C) –1 to 0
(D) +1 to 0

Computer & IT

1 Which Act in India focuses on data privacy and information technology

(a) IT Act 2000
(b) Banking Regulation Act 1949
(c) Indian Penal Code
(d) IT (amendment) Act 2008

Answer D

2. Major amendments to IT Act 2000 was introduced in the form of IT (amendment) Act 2008, which came into effect on

(a) 2009 October 27
(b) 2008 October 27
(c) 2008 June 1
(d) 2009 July 3

Answer A

IT Amendment Act, 2008 notified w.e.f. 27/10/2009

The Information Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2008 (Bill No.96-F of 2008) was passed by the both houses of parliament on December, 2008 and received the accent of the president on 5th February, 2009. However, the Amendment Act had not yet come into force and was only for information purpose. However, there was lots of confusion about the date of “Notification” of IT Amendment Act, 2008 as per the requirements of the Section 1 (2) of the same. However, after the wait of almost more than 8 months, the Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 (ITAA, 2008) has been notified with effect from 27/10/2009 and is now become operational. Many significant changes have been introduced in the IT Amendment Act, 2008. Let’s have a glance over some of important changes:-

Technology neutral (Section 15): The welcome step in the IT AA, 2008 is the attempt to make the Act as technological neutral by defining the concept of “Electronic Signatures” within which the existing “Digital Signature” system would be one of the kinds. Thus, the Act has introduced flexibility to the system of authentication of Electronic Documents by any electronic signature technique.

Examiner of Electronic Evidence (Section 79-A): The ITAA, 2008 establishes an examiner of electronic evidence to give expert opinion on “electronic form evidence”. The examiner of electronic evidence may help the investigating agencies/or adjudicating officer to investigate the cyber violations/crimes.

Eight New Cyber offences added: The IT AA, 2008 adds new eight cyber offences viz;

  1. sending offensive messages through a computer or mobile phone (Section 66A),
  2. receiving stolen computer resource or communication device (Section 66B)
  3. Punishment for identity theft (Section 66C)
  4. Punishment for cheating by personation using computer resource (Section 66D)
  5. Punishment for violating privacy or video voyeurism (Section 66E)
  6. Cyber Terrorism (Section 66F)
  7. Publishing or transmitting material in electronic form containing sexually explicit act (Section 67A),
  8. Child pornography (Section 67B)

Thus, cyber crime police stations have to deal with more cyber crimes. Earlier they were dealing with only two sections, 66 & 67.

Power of interception of electronic communication to the Government: Sections 69 and 69A of the amended Act empower the state to issue directions for interception, monitoring, decryption of any information through any computer resource; and for blocking websites in the interest of national security, and friendly relations with foreign states. Further, Section 69B empowers the government to authorize to monitor, collect traffic data or information through any computer resource for cyber security. In addition to the existing circumstances under the IT Act, like in the interest of national security, sovereignty, public order etc., the central government may intercept /monitor any information transmitted through any computer resource also for investigation of any offence.
Data base security and privacy: The IT AA, 2008 incorporates provisions pertaining to data base security and privacy in Section 43, 43 A, 66E and 72A. A body corporate shall be liable to pay compensation if it is negligent in implementing “reasonable security precautions” with respect to “sensitive personal data”. The liability would arise if the negligence leads to a wrongful loss or wrongful gain to a person (43A). Also a person including an intermediary is held liable if he discloses “personal information” which he accessed while providing services under a contract. The liability arises if the disclosure was made with an intention to cause or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or wrongful gain to a person(72A). Section 66E defends privacy and now one cannot publish or transmit nude photo of a person without his/her permission.
Child pornography: The newly inserted section 67 B of ITAA, 2008deals with child pornography. The wordings of the section are very hard worded and makes even the recording in electronic form of any sexually explicit act with children shall be punishable under this section. Even if one is found to be engaged in online relationship with sexual overtone that may offend a reasonable adult on the computer resource would be punishable under this section. The expression “May offend a reasonable adult” is subject to judicial scrutiny and interpretation and leaves scope for misuse and controversy.
Cyber terrorism: Newly inserted Section 66F in IT AA, 2008 deals with Cyber Terrorism i.e. one who causes denial of access to computer resources, or has unauthorized access to a computer resource, or introduces a virus, with the intent to threaten the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of India or to strike terror in any section of the people is deemed to be committing cyber terrorism. If a person has unauthorized access to a computer resource with the intent to breach the security of the state, its sovereignty and integrity, and friendly relations with foreign states, then also he is deemed to be committing cyber terrorism. However Ancillary cyber activities to further terrorism not included as Cyber terrorism.
Compounding of offences: Hitherto under the u/s 63 of the IT Act, 2000, provisions were made only for compounding of contraventions and not for offences under Chapter XI of the IT Act. Now, the provision for compounding of offences under the IT Act has been made under the newly inserted Section 77-A of IT AA, 2008. However, it is to be noted that under the amendment, the second conviction is not compoundable and it also not compoundable where such offence affects the socio-economic conditions of the country or has been committed against a child below the age of 18 years or a woman.
Offences made bailable, less stringent: Now most of the offences are considered “Cognizable” but “Bailable” and “Compoundable”. Now offences, punishable with imprisonment of more than three years are only non bailable.
Abetment and attempt: Abatement of the offences under the act is also made punishable with the punishment provided for the offence committed in pursuance of such under IT AA, 2008. The newly inserted section makes punishable any attempt to commit the offences under this act which is similar in line with Section 511 of the Indian Penal code.
Offence of hacking only if with dishonest or fraudulent intention: Now, the hacking of computer is covered u/s 66 IT Act only if it is done dishonestly or fraudulently as defined under the IPC. If it is not done dishonestly or fraudulently, it would be covered under Section 43 which is civil in nature. Thus, the moment one commits hacking, he would be either criminally liable or face civil liability.
The level of investigation brought down to the Inspectors from DSPs: The level of investigation has been brought down to the level of inspector from that of DSP. It means, more IO’s are now available to investigate the cyber crime incidents.
Liability of Intermediary, Section 79 revisited: This section is revised in lines with the EU Directives on E-Co

Android is–
(A) Operating system 
(B) Interface 
(C) Software 
(D) A collection of all these

Answer A

The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly spaced is termed as– 
(A) Spacing 
(B) Kerning 
(C) Positioning 
(D) Scaling 

Answer B Kerning adjust the spacing between (characters) in a piece of text to be printed.

The octal equivalent of the binary number 1101010111001111 , is– 
(A) 152187 
(B) 152817 
(C) 153717 
(D) 152717 

Answer D

6 Internet is ----------- switched network.

(A) Cell 
(B) Circuit 
(C) Message 
(D) Packet 

Answer D
The best-known use of packet switching is the Internet and most local area networks. The Internet is implemented by the Internet Protocol Suite using a variety of Link Layer technologies. For example, Ethernet and Frame Relay are common. Newer mobile phone technologies (e.g., GPRS, i-mode) also use packet switching.

An http request contains ------------ parts.
(A) 2 
(B) 5 
(C) 3 
(D) 4 

Answer C
Format of an HTTP Request

It has three main components, which are:-
1 HTTP Request Method, URI, and Protocol Version/ Request Line - this should always be the first line of an HTTP Request. As it's quite evident from the name itself, it contains the HTTP Request method being used for that particular request, the URI, and the HTTP protocol name with the version being used. It may look like 'GET /servlet/jspName.jsp HTTP/1.1' where the request method being used is 'GET', the URI is '/servlet/jspName.jsp', and the protocol (with version) is 'HTTP/1.1'.
2 HTTP Request Headers - this section of an HTTP Request contains the request headers, which are used to communicate information about the client environment. Few of these headers are: Content-Type, User-Agent, Accept-Encoding, Content-Length, Accept-Language, Host, etc. Very obvious to understand what info do these headers carry, isn't it? The names are quite self-explanatory.
3 HTTP Request Body - this part contains the actual request being sent to the HTTP Server. The HTTP Request Header and Body are separated by a blank line (CRLF sequence, where CR means Carriage Return and LF means Line Feed). This blank line is a mandatory part of a valid HTTP Request.

Format of an HTTP Response

Similar to an HTTP Request, an HTTP Response also has three main components, which are:-

1 Protocol/Version, Status Code, and its Description - the very first line of a valid HTTP Response is consists of the protocol name, it's version, status code of the request, and a short description of the status code. A status code of 200 means the processing of request was successful and the description in this case will be 'OK'. Similarly, a status code of '404' means the file requested was not found at the HTTP Server at the expected location and the description in this case is 'File Not Found'.
2 HTTP Response Headers - similar to HTTP Request Headers, HTTP Response Headers also contain useful information. The only difference is that HTTP Request Headers contain information about the environment of the client machine whereas HTTP Response Headers contain information about the environment of the server machine. This is easy to understand as HTTP Requests are formed at the client machine whereas HTTP Responses are formed at the server machine. Few of these HTTP Response headers are: Server, Content-Type, Last-Modified, Content-Length, etc.
3 HTTP Response Body - this the actual response which is rendered in the client window (the browser window). The content of the body will be HTML code. Similar to HTTP Request, in this case also the Body and the Headers components are separated by a mandatory blank line (CRLF sequence).

In computing, what is the process by which a running computer system is restarted without the need to interrupt the power?
(a) Hibernate 
(b) Warm reboot 
(c) Switch user 
(d) Cold reboot 

Answer B
In computing, rebooting is the process by which a running computer system is restarted, either intentionally or unintentionally. 
Reboots can be either cold (alternatively known as hard) where the power to the system is physically turned off and back on again, causing an initial boot of the machine, or warm (alternatively known as soft) where the system restarts without the need to interrupt the power. 
The term restart is used to refer to a reboot when the operating system closes all programs and finalizes all pending input and output operations before initiating a soft reboot.

9 The information of credit and debit card are stored on–

(a) Megnetic strip card 
(b) Mega strip card  
(c) Magnetic information card 
(d) Magnetic data card

Answer A

10 Connections to other documents or to other locations within a website is known as–

(a) Hyper connects 

(b) Plug-ins 

(c) Hyperlinks 

(d) Filters 

Answer C

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Teaching Aptitude:

Research Aptitude:
ICT- Computer Aptitude  :
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